Share Sessions
Share Sessions are an opportunity for parents to spend time with their child in class and take part in activities together.
We hold Share Sessions, or Story Time or Stay & Play sessions up to 3 times a year depending on the year group.
The afternoon is spent on enjoying fun topic based class activities with your child and their class friends.
Dates for 2023-24 can be found on the Diary Listing page or here Parents are notified in advance of the session dates via ParentMail.
Foundation and Key Stage 1 have 'weekly Tuesday end-of-day sessions for parents, through the year, were you can come at 2.50pm to either read or play maths games with your child in class.
What do Parents say about our Share Sessions?
"A wonderfully busy and vibrant atmosphere"
"Lots of interesting learning activities"
"Enthusiastic children, and a terrific turn-out of parents and carers"
"A highly successful and enjoyable event"
See our Share Session posts under the Parent label on the Blog.