Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School and Nursery

Learning Caring Inspiring

House Captains

Every child in Year 3 to 6 belongs to one of our four Houses.  Year 6 House & Vice House Captains represent each House.


Key Stage 2 staff and teaching assistants are also attached to Houses. Our Houses are a great way for the children to be part of a supportive group for four years and encourages team working.

The school operates an ‘Effort Point’ system where class teachers award points each week for any positive effort, good work, helpful attitude and so on.  We announce the weekly winner of the House Cup in assembly.

We have inter-house competitions in all the school’s major sports and hold house meetings and assemblies each month.

The children also take part in a wide range of non-sporting inter-house competitions, including chess, singing, art, literature & our annual STEM challenge.  See our 2018 House Singing competition report here.

We’ve named our Houses after famous historic local people:


The children wear the appropriately coloured PE kit and have the option of wearing house hoodies too.

See our House Posts from the Blog.